Posted on 10/20/2016
So you’re thinking of buying a classic car? Whether it’s your first (welcome to the club) or one of many, there are certain factors to consider before making a purchase. Shopping for a classic car is not like shopping for a “used” car. No two classics are alike. Each classic is unique and special in its own way. A true classic has layers, like an onion, of history, nostalgia, and a whole lot of unique personality. And along with all of that personality there are quirks… and maybe even a bit of—dare we say—“baggage.” That doesn’t mean that the car isn’t worth the investment, but it’s important that you know what you’re getting yourself into when you make the purchase and that you negotiate on the price accordingly. There are a variety of questions that we recommend that you ask the seller about the car. Most of the time you have to go with trust, and with your gut feeling, because it’s very hard to ev ... read more