Kauri Sue Hamilton School is a special needs school that helps and improves the lives of people with all different kinds of disabilities from the age of 5 up to 22! This school does some amazing things for these people! They offer a ton of different classes and programs! They have a Child Development Center which watches and diagnoses children under 3 for any disabilities or delays in learning, Preschool, which is free for children 3-5 that have a disability and very inexpensive for those children who do not! They offer Audiology, teaching how to live with hearing aids and other listening devices! Music Therapy, Adaptive PE, Therapists, Psychologists, Speech and Language Pathologists. There is not a lot they do not offer some kind of help with! They are all in all one amazing school for not only the disabled but also their families!
Carvention is one fun way to help out this amazing school! Last year they helped get these wonderful people a playground lets see what we can do for them this year! Come join us on February 24th, 25th and 26th!